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Who We Are

Whether its lending an ear to listen, enhancing ones knowledge to educate or sharing a laugh to make the day enjoyable, this is who we are.  In having Facial Palsy, we all have our own stories and we go about our lives in our own special way. We come from all over the world. We are individuals, we are parents, we are children, we are young adults, we are adults. For some, we have had FP since birth and its all we know, for others it's a new chapter in our lives. No matter who we are, where we come from, or what our stories are, the most important thing is that we are all in this together!



May we all have the Courage To Smile!



The Story of C2S

Shelby's Websites

Courage To Smile was formed January 28, 2010 after watching a talented singer named Shelby Dressel, born with  an undeveloped 7th cranial nerve, perform on the television show "American Idol."  After seeing Shelby's performance, three individuals found each other through Shelby's Facebook page.  In finding out they each shared a common bond in having FP, they decided to create a "little" Facebook Group called "Courage To Smile".  And the rest, as they say . . . . . . . .  is History!


Shelby is currently  living her dream and pusuing her music career in Nashville, TN.  

Courage To Smile currently has




members from all over the World!


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